

Find out more about our Second Edition of Leading Beyond the Ego (published by Routledge 2024)

NEW book available to buy now: Second Edition - Leading Beyond the Ego

This advanced on-line assessment/ development tool identifies an individual’s behavioural and operational strengths plus their development needs to improve their leadership performance. It measures competence in the context of their own role and the culture of the organisation. LEIPA compares different leadership styles against their importance in the executive’s current role, providing a gap analysis. 

 Download the LEIPA® Brochure



How Does LEIPA® work?

LEIPA® provides a precise, defined plan for behavioural change, tailored to the individual’s role within their organisation. The process ensures a rounded view from both self-perception and colleagues, focusing on Emotional Intelligence and leadership styles.

Using best practice in a 360º format, LEIPA® identifies and compares the individual’s habitual leadership styles to those which will have the greatest positive impact. Specific behaviours to change, producing significant performance improvement are pinpointed, delivering a framework for action.

Unlike most EI tools, LEIPA® actually relates competencies directly to leadership. By comparing this with raters’ perceived importance of each leadership style, it is possible to identify the leadership style(s) the manager needs to develop. Focus can now be brought on the behaviours that the identified leadership style depends on. It measures competence in six leadership styles and compares that with the importance of each style in their own role and provides insights into the culture of the organisation.

 For those who want to take the LEIPA process and get accredited CPD points – click here for information

Key Features

  • Uniquely correlates EI competencies against the most important leadership styles for the circumstances.
  • Developed from the proven Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Style Framework (Goleman 
    Boyatzis 2001).
  • Objective focus on observed against desired behaviours within the organisation, backed by 
    verbatim comments.
  • Not reliant on ‘norms’, LEIPA® is culturally neutral, so it can be used across any organisation or geography.
  • Creates a specific action plan for immediate and future development.
  • An on-line tool that is easy to set up, manage and deliver.

LEIPA® supports real behavioural change to help them maximise their effectiveness in their role.

  • On-line verbatim comments from raters authenticate the data.
  • The full report contains complete details of the data to enable thorough investigation of key points.
  • The candidate is guided to improve EI development areas that will have the greatest impact in their current role.
  • The process includes the candidate engaging with raters to follow up on development areas.
  • All facilitators are accredited executive coaches who are able to follow up the LEIPA report debrief with on-going coaching where appropriate.
  • We can adapt the tool to include the leadership competencies required of your organisation.

 Read a LEIPA® Case Study here

Are you interested in becoming an accredited LEIPA Facilitator?

 Find out more here

Are you a real leader or an organisational manager? Find out more about your skills and understanding in this crucial area by answering our quick questionnaire here.