
Find out more about our Second Edition of Leading Beyond the Ego (published by Routledge 2024)

NEW book available to order now: Second Edition - Leading Beyond the Ego

TRANSPERSONAL LEADERS operate beyond their ego, continuing personal development and learning. They are radical, ethical and authentic while emotionally intelligent and caring. They create performance-enhancing and sustainable cultures.

This book (published by Routledge, March 2018) is a game-changer in how it provides a journey for leaders to develop into Transpersonal Leaders through managing both their ego and their emotions, by increasing their awareness and bringing their values to full consciousness.

An essential read for current and aspiring organisational leaders, HR professionals, executive coaches and mentors, Leading Beyond the Ego is a vital point of reference for anyone in a leadership position who wants to embrace the right kind of leadership for today and the future.  Watch and listen to a recording of the book launch webinar describing the purpose and content of the book.

This cutting edge approach to leadership, which can also be used as a personal manual or core text for higher education programmes, has been acclaimed by business and leadership experts. You can see the reviews of those listed below at the Routledge website.

Sandro Giuliani, Managing Director of the Jacobs Foundation, Switzerland

Dame Fiona Woolf DBEDL, Lord Mayor of London 2013-14; Partner at CMS Cameron McKenna, UK

Natalie Ceeney CBE, former CEO of the Financial Ombudsman Service, National Archives and HM Courts & Tribunals Service, UK

Professor Sir Muir Gray, Chief Knowledge Officer of the NHS; Peter Cheese, CEO at Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD), UK; Dr Gerhard van Rensburg, Chairman of Future Leaders Development and Director of Future Leaders Africa, South Africa; Dr Ronald J. Kovach, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Virginia International University and Past President of the National Society for Experiential Education, USA; Warren Harris, CEO at Tata Technologies, USA & India; Vishnu R DusadMD, CEO at Nucleus Software, India; Professor Harris Friedman, PhD, Research Professor of Psychology, University of Florida, Editor of the International Journal of Transpersonal Leadership

You can also order the book at Amazon around the world if more convenient. 

HERE IS A SELECTION of the raft of magazine and newspaper reviews, broadcast interviews and published blogs which accompany this thought-leading publication:

Podcasts / Interviews

Articles / Publications