

Find out more about our Second Edition of Leading Beyond the Ego (published by Routledge 2024)

NEW book available to buy now: Second Edition - Leading Beyond the Ego

ALMOST A DOZEN Managers and Senior Managers working across the country undertook LeaderShape’s remotely delivered, 12-hour ALIVE© programme, to develop leadership skills within a team ethos. Feedback from this cost-effective intervention reported significant change in meeting their objectives. 

The Process:

The calls and ALIVE© Prep workbooks introduce the concept of emotional intelligence, showing how neurophysiology has not yet evolved to keep pace with modern life, and therefore hijacks our emotional responses. Once we become more aware of this in ourselves and others we have more choice about how to respond. This early work broadens into interactive sessions using a range of tools, and focuses on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.  Participants were asked about the ‘key learning.’   The comments speak for themselves:

  •  Emotions matter -- reading people’s emotions is a skill. There is a difference between good management and good leadership and being aware of one’s own emotions and having emotional intelligence matters.
  •  I notice people’s expressions more. I also look out for triggers for stress.
  •  We are all born leaders we just need to find our gift.
  •  The work has reinforced what I knew about leadership. My learning style has changed over time and I need to be more aware of subtle expressions and adapt my leadership styles to fit specific situations.
  •  I have better emotional awareness about adapting how I react, rather than trying to change how others act.
  •  I am learning to be more reflective and a little less ""knee jerk."  I practice what I preach, and know to be true – particularly in relation to making and receiving phone calls!

When asked about how they will put this key learning into practice, participants reported:

  •  Using it in the workplace when talking with colleagues and when supervising staff.
  • Reflecting on how I am working and thinking about what others are communicating non-verbally.
  • Considering my roles when trying to inspire my colleagues to lead as well as manage.
  • I need to act more on what I think, be more involved putting ideas forward and be more aware of colleagues emotions and expressions. I need to take time to recognise my own stress levels
  • I have an action plan to address the lower scores from my questionnaire. I have arranged Insights training for the team, so we can look at our strengths and leadership qualities together. I am reflecting more on how I respond and deal with conflict and seeking support from my peers and line manager so I feel less anxious about this.
  • A lot of my development areas were around taking time rather rushing in, so I feel I can work on these and see some results.
  • I want to engage my team in a shared sense of direction, and be open and honest about what my vision is for the service we are delivering.

Changing Behaviours:

A major section of the programme concentrates on the coaching style of leadership. This has been found to be most effective in enabling an organisation to grow and be successful – but it is also the least often practised.  The preparation starts by reviewing learning from previous sections, considering what in the participants’ experience makes a good (& bad) leader. It then introduces some core techniques that enable a coaching conversation – the practice of active listening, asking open questions and establishing a coaching contract. We introduce participants to the ToGROW model of coaching -  a very simple framework that enables a coaching conversation to take place.  The assignment asks them to reflect on their experience overall and explain how they will put their learning into practice.

Success Against Desired Outcomes:

The end of course survey showed expectations were either fully or mostly met.  Participants said they enjoyed:

  •  The flexibility to work at my own pace and time
  •  Interesting content and mix of activities
  •  Being able to apply the information in practice and ease of use.

Key Learning reported: 

  •  I’m looking forward to introducing coaching contracts and the GROW method into my work practice.
  •  To practice some coaching skills with my staff and look at how effective coaching can be. To find out more about coaching skills.
  •  To use structured coaching sessions to help develop both my skills & others

Participants’ intended to introduce coaching contracts into supervisions and allow time for a dedicated coaching session.They wished to develop their skills and use them when having meetings with staff and some even desired to set up coaching sessions as part of the supervision process.

Final comments were:


  • I have really enjoyed the course & learnt a lot about myself & some new skills, also areas where I need to develop & push myself.
  • I want to be more aware of how I affect other people, and develop my own self-awareness, I didn’t realise how big an impact mine and other people’s moods can affect the people we manage and work with – mindfulness is something I have been asked to work on …. I’m glad it will have an impact on my work as well as my personal life!!
  • I have really enjoyed participating in this programme. The learning has assisted me in my new Team Manager role and I feel I have grown more than I would have done if I hadn't participated.”

A Senior Line Manager commented:

Managers are discussing situations, approaches and responses differently - they actively seek feedback and try new things as a result capabilities and confidence are growing. Exactly what we hoped!"

For further information on how we can help your organisation contact us on +44 (0)330 323 0275.  And you can see more of what people say about our programmes in our client testimonials here